
The sqlservice.session.Session class is the main interface for querying a database. It extends sqlalchemy.orm.Session to provide additional methods for common ORM queries.

Executing Select Statements#

The following methods will execute a select-statement and return results. If the select-statement is based on ORM-models (e.g., then the results will automatically be converted into ORM-model instances.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import sqlalchemy as sa

session = db.session()

users = session.all(
users = session.all(
    sa.text("SELECT * FROM users WHERE timestamp > :timestamp"),
    params={"timestamp": - timedelta(days=1)}

Saving Models#

The and sqlservice.session.Session.save_all() method can be used to save model instances. These method differ from Session.add and Session.add_all in that they will automatically upsert records based on the model’s primary key(s). This allows models that were not loaded from the database to be automatically inserted or updated independent of the database backend.

user_1 = User(id=4, name='Max')
user_2 = User(id=8, name='Jack')
user_3 = User(id=1, name='Wes'')

saved_user_1 =
assert save_user_1 is user_1

saved_users_2_3 = session.save_all([user_2, user_3])
assert saved_users_2_3[0] is user_2
assert saved_users_2_3[1] is user_3